Metamask: Is there a way to detect if a token was already approved?

Determining Token Approval on Metamask: A Guide

As a developer building decentralized applications (dApps) on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, you are probably familiar with how important it is to ensure that tokens are properly managed and updated. One common task is to determine whether a token has already been approved or not.

In this article, we will explore how to achieve this in your Metamask setup using an ERC-20 contract for USDC (United States Dollar Coin).

Token Approval Explained

When a token is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, it does not come with a built-in approval mechanism. However, when a token is minted and listed on a decentralized exchange (DEX) or other platforms, you can implement a validation process to ensure that tokens are not misused.

To determine whether a token has already been approved, you will need to check the contract’s “approved” property, which is a boolean value that indicates whether the token has been approved by some contract.

ERC-20 Contract for USDC

The ERC-20 contract for USDC provides methods for interacting with a token and its owner. Here are some of the key functions you can use to determine whether a token has been approved:

  • approve(address, address): Sets the approval status for a specific user.
  • isApproved(address): Returns whether the specified user has been approved for this token.
  • setApproval(address, uint256): Sets or updates the approval status for a specific user.

Detecting Approved Tokens on Metamask

To determine whether a token has been approved, you can use the following approach:

  • Get the current approval status of the token:

pragma strength ^ 0,8,0;

contract TokenVerifier {

struct Token {

address owner;

bool approved;


Token private _token;

constructor(owner_address) {

_token = Token(_owner, false);


function isApproved() public view returns (bool) {

return _token.approved;



In this example, we define a contract “TokenVerifier” that represents a USDC token. We initialize the contract with an empty mapping ownedBy.

  • Update the approval status when the user approves or disapproves the token:

pragma strength ^ 0,8,0;

contract TokenVerifier {

struct Token {


bool approved;


Token private _token;

constructor(owner_address) {

_token = Token(_owner, false);


function approve(userAddress, uint256Amount) public {

if (user != _token.owner) {

_token.approved = true;



function isApproved() public view returns (bool) {

return _token.approved;



In this example, we add a new method `approve'' that allows users to approve or reject a token. When a user callsapprove', they must be the owner of the token.

  • Check if the approval state is already set:

pragma strength ^ 0,8,0;

contract TokenVerifier {

struct Token {


bool approved;


Token private _token;

constructor(address_owner) {

_token = Token(_owner, false);


function isApproved() public view returns (bool) {

return _token.approved;



Now you can use the "isApproved" method to check if the token has been approved.

Usage example

Metamask: Is there a way to detect if a token was already approved?

Here is an example of how you can create a simple application that uses Metamask to validate tokens:


// Import the required libraries

const Web3 = require(‘web3’);

const metamaskProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(‘

// Initialize the metamask provider

metamask provider.


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