Metamask: ¿Can you create a smart contract so it can receive ether from metamask platform?

Metamask: Creating an Ethereum Smart Contract with Etherscan

As a developer new to Solidity, creating a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain can seem daunting at first. However, with the Metamask platform and some basic knowledge of Solidity, you can easily set up a smart contract that receives Ether from users connected through Metamask.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step to create an example contract that can receive Ether from users connected through Metamask.

Step 1: Set up Metamask on Ganache

Before you start coding your smart contract, it’s essential to set up Metamask on a local Ethereum network using Ganache. Here’s how:

  • Install the MetaMask browser extension for Chrome or other browsers.

  • Go to []( and click on “Create Account” in the top right corner.

  • Follow the prompts to set up your new Metamask wallet.

Step 2: Set up your Solidity compiler

To create a smart contract, you’ll need to install the Solc compiler. Here’s how:

  • Install the Solc compiler using npm or yarn by running the following command:

npm install solc


yarn add solc

Step 3: Create a new Solidity contract

Metamask: ¿Can you create a smart contract so it can receive ether from metamask platform?

Create a new file called Contract.sol in your project directory. This is where you’ll define your smart contract.

Here’s an example contract that can receive Ether from users connected through Metamask:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "

import "./meta-mask-abi.json";

contract MyContract {

// Mapping of user addresses to their corresponding Ether balances

mapping (address => uint256) public etherBalances;

constructor() public {

// Initialize the contract with an initial balance of 0 Ether

etherBalances[msg.sender] = 0;


// Function to receive Ether from users connected through Metamask

function receiveEther() public payable {

// Get the current address of the user who sent the Ether

address userAddress = msg.sender;

// Add the received Ether to the user's balance

etherBalances[userAddress] += msg.value;


// Function to send Ether back to users connected through Metamask

function sendEther() public payable {

// Get the current address of the sender and recipient

address senderAddress = msg.sender;

address recipientAddress = msg.sender;

// Add the received Ether to the sender's balance

etherBalances[senderAddress] -= msg.value;

etherBalances[recipientAddress] += msg.value;

// If the sender has more than 0 Ether, transfer them back to Metamask

if (etherBalances[senderAddress] > 0) {

// Create a new contract on Ganache with the same name as your contract

Contract contract = new Contract();





Step 4: Compile and deploy the smart contract

Compile your Solidity code using Solc:

solc --bin MyContract.sol

Then, create a new Ganache project with the following settings:

  • Set the gasPrice to 20 Gwei (or any other gas price that suits your network).

  • Create a new account and add it as an Ethereum address.

  • Deploy your contract using Ganache.

Step 5: Test and deploy the smart contract on the Ethereum testnet

Deploy your contract to the Ethereum testnet. You can do this by creating a new project on [Ethereum Testnet](

Once deployed, you can connect Metamask to your testnet account using MetaMask.

Step 6: Use Metamask to receive Ether from users

To use the receiveEther function, follow these steps:


solana error solana

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