Solana: Seeking confirmation or advice on best way to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific account for a given block

Get all operations associated with a specific Solana account

Solana Blockchain programs can be very important for data analysis, audit and compliance goals when developing programs. In this article, we will investigate how to get all the signatures related to the specific expense of Solana, especially focusing on the RC branch.

Problem: Getting Operations by Account ID

To solve this problem, you must determine the target account operations ID on each block. While Solana provides Gettransactionlistlistbloblockhash to include a list of operations in a specific block, that all signatures (operations) related to account may be more complex.

Using RC branch and v2

Solana: Seeking confirmation or advice on best way to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific account for a given block

It is likely that the RC branch is your next step as it marks the transition from stable RC to the future version of Solana. When preparing for the V2, it is necessary to understand how to use the features and improvements introduced in this new show.

One way to obtain all signatures related to the specific Solana expense using the RC branch is the use of the Gettransactionlistblockhash feature “Gettransactionlistblockhash” with a custom filter. Here’s an example of how to do it:


Import {operactionlist} from ‘@solana/web3.js’;

Import {gettransactionlistloblockhash} from ‘@solana/web3.js’;

// Define the Target Account ID and Block bag


Const Blockhash = ‘Your_block_hash’;

// Filter Operations under Account ID

CONST transactionlist = waiting for Gettransactionlistbyblockhash (Blockhash, {{

Paramets: {{




// Convert a list of operations to JSON massif

CONS transctions =;


Additional V2 Aspects

When applying the future Solana version 2, remember that some features may change or be destroyed. To ensure compatibility and protect in the future, consider the following:


  • You may need to move to the next V2 rear point, such as Getaccounttransations.



Using the RC branch of the Gettransactionlistblockhash, all operations associated with a specific Solana expense can be obtained, but may need to apply this method to the future version 2. Always check the official documentation before installing it and try your implementation thoroughly.

Additional sources

For more information about working with Solana operations, read:

  • Solana web3.js documentation: <

  • Solana V2 release notes: <

By making these steps and updating the latest changes in Solana Blockchain, you will be well prepared to solve the problem and exploit the full potential of your programs.


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