Metamask: How can listen speed up/cancel event on transaction in my dapp?

Optimization of Event Processing in a React Web3.js Dapp: MetamaskinGration

As developers that create a decentralized application (DAP) with React and Web3.Js, it is likely to collide with scenarios in which users click on buttons or interact with DAPD features. However, when he deals with events triggered by such interactions, especially in the context of Walpendontion-compatible DAP, the timing may play a decisive role.

In this article, we deal with the problem and examine solutions to optimize the processing of events in React Web3.js Dapps with Metamask integration.

The problem: Consistence of Event

When users interact with the functionality of DAPP through Metamask, the JavaScript code is essentially performed in the browser. This can cause inconsistencies between the native code and the transactions performed by their application, which are passed on the blockchain (or in the case of a decentralized application on the network).

Here are some possible reasons why this inconsistency can occur:

  • Timing differences : implementing the JavaScript code may not always be synchronous with native web3.js or Ethereum -Bockchain events.

  • Timeout and errors

    : If you work more interactions at the same time, there is a possibility that an interaction can take longer than expected, leading to inconsistent event management.

Metamaskin Integration and Event Management

In order to optimize event processing in React Web3.js Dapp using METAMASK integration, you can take into account the following strategies:

Metamask: How can listen speed up/cancel event on transaction in my dapp?

Use ASYNC/wait for better timing

If you execute the JavaScript code in the browser, “ASYNC/AWIT” manages asynchronous processes more effectively.


Const HandlespeedupButton Click = () => {{

Const Seetuptransectionhash = Waiting for Fast Run ();

// UI update at updated speed -UP -Transa -hash


Function Fetch Speeduputranaction () {

Return a new promise ((solution, rejection) => {{

// simulate a longer implementation time for demonstration purposes

Setimeout (() => {{

Resolution (Speedeupransectionhash);

}, 2000); // introduce delays to present inconsistent timing



Use event.purentdefault () and event.stoppropagation ()

To use the usual campaign of the event (such as clicking on the button), use native Web3.js or Ethereum Blockchain events, use Event.preentdefault () and" Event.stoppropagation ().


Const HandlespeedupButton Click = () => {{

Event.preentdefault ();

// update UI without making a native code for a period of time to minimize the effects on events


Use web3.js’ on-vent -handling

Instead of relying exclusively on JavaScript recovery, you can use integrated mechanism to process web3.js events.


Const HandlespeedupButton Click = () => {{

Web3.eth.eventon ('Speedup', (Event) => {{

console.log (Accelerate: $ {event.transectionhash});



Complete the spare mechanism

If the native JavaScript code is not available or inconsistent to manage events, use a spare mechanism to manage user interaction.


Const HandlespeedupButton Click = () => {{

if (Typeof web3! == 'unspecified') {

Web3.eth.eventon ('Speedup', (Event) => {{

console.log (Accelerate: $ {event.transectionhash});


} differently {

// mark the spare message or ask the user to try again



By implementing one or more of these strategies, you must be able to optimize event management in React Web3.js DAP with Metamask integration and improve your general user experience.


In this article, we examined routes to deal with inconsistent event processing problem in React Web3.

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