Ethereum: Why do we always need to specify the Solidity version while coding the smart contract?

The importance of determining the version of solidity in the development of the development of intelligent contracts

When writing a smart contract about Blockchain Ethereum, developers often have trouble selecting the correct version of the solidity to be used. A usual question arises: “Why do I have to specify the version of solidity when Ineototo in my contract?” In this article, we will examine why the information version is essential and provide some ideas about the good choice.

The case specifying the version of solidity

In 2017, Ethereum published its first intelligent contract,
Ethereum Classic (ETH) , which used
0.4.11 solity compiler. This was an important milestone in the development of intelligent contracts and marked the beginning of the Blockchain era.

When more developers joined the project and contributed to the Ethereum ecosystem, the need for a standardized version became clear. The selection of the version of solidity was crucial because the compatibility was determined with the existing code, new functions and possible updates.

Why the versions of pragma play a role

By specifying the version of solidity, developers really use the
pragma versions, not just the literal version number. Pragma is an optional solidity -key word with which developers can specify the compiler version or ABI (Application Binisty Interface) when writing intelligent contracts.

For example:


Pragma solidity ^0,8,19; // Enter a certain version of the solidity compiler

Mycontract {treaty {

// …



In this case, `Pragma Solity ^0.8.19 ‘states that the contract is compiled only with a solidity of 0.8.19 or higher.

Why pragma versions are important

The specification of a version of pragma ensures several important advantages:

  • Compatibility : Different versions of solidity may require different libraries, facilities or APIs that may be included in the contract. By specifying the Apragma version, developers can ensure compatibility with existing code and avoid errors.

  • New Functions

    Ethereum: Why do we always need to specify the Solidity version while coding the smart contract?

    : If Ethereum introduces new functions and updates to solidity, some contracts need to adapt to these changes. By specifying a version of pragma, developers can use new functions without rewriting their contracts.

  • UPDATE : In the future, the Ethereum network can introduce updates that require certain versions of solidity or libraries. By specifying the Apragma version, developers can ensure that their contracts remain compatible with possible updates.

Can’t we simply choose a version?

Although it is technically possible to specify a version of solidity, the selection of a version is not as easy as you can imagine. Here are some reasons for:

  • Compatibility : As already mentioned, various versions of solidity may have compatibility problems or incompatible libraries.

  • New Functions : Even if developers select the latest version of Solity, you will still need to ensure that your contracts can use new functions and updates.

  • Update : The future is uncertain, and the introduction of updates in which certain versions of solidity are required can have a wave effect on existing contracts.


The specification of the version of solidity when entering your contract is essential for several reasons:

  • Compatibility with existing code

  • Adaptation to new functions and updates

3 .. update

By choosing the right pragma version, developers can ensure that their intelligent contracts remain compatible and proof of the future. Although it may seem like a tedious task, it is an important step in creating robust, waiting and Ethereum -based applications.

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