Ethereum: Uniswap V3 – calculate optimal amounts to provide liquidity

Optimal Liquidity Provision for Uniswap V3 Pool: Calculating the Right Values

As Uniswap V3 continues to grow in popularity, understanding how to maximize liquidity in your pool becomes increasingly important. In this article, we will explore the optimal amounts to provide liquidity in a Uniswap V3 pool of tokens A and B.

Current State

You currently hold 1,000 Token A (or another token) and 1,000 Token B in your wallet. The current price is $50,000, indicating a significant market cap for both tokens.

Calculating Optimal Liquidity Contributions

To calculate the optimal amounts to provide liquidity, we will use the following approach:

  • Determine the token supply: Calculate the total amount of each token available in the pool.
  • Estimate demand and price: Based on historical data or current market trends, estimate the expected demand and price for each token.
  • Calculate the optimal amount to contribute: Determine the minimum amount that can be contributed to maximize liquidity.

Estimating token supply

The total supply of tokens is calculated by adding together the quantities of Token A and Token B:

Token A: 1,000 units

Token B: 1,000 units

Total supply of tokens = 2,000 units

Estimating demand and price

For this example, we will assume moderate demand for both tokens. According to historical data, Token A generally has higher demand than Token B.

Assuming an average price of $55,000 (based on the current tick price) and a market cap 20% higher than the current price ($60,000), we can estimate the demand for each token:

  • Token A: Demand = $55,000 x 1.2 = $66,000
  • Token B: Demand = $50,000 x 1.2 = $60,000

Optimal Liquidity Contributions

To maximize liquidity, you should provide amounts that cover the estimated demand for each token.

For Token A:

  • Minimum contribution: $66,000 (20% of total supply) / 2,000 units = $33 per unit
  • Maximum contribution: $66,000 / 1,000 units = $66 per unit

For Token B:

  • Minimum contribution: $60,000 (20% of total supply) / 2,000 units = $30 per unit
  • Maximum contribution: $60,000 / 1,000 units = $60 per unit


By following these steps and using historical data or market trends to estimate demand, you can determine the optimal amounts to provide liquidity in your Uniswap V3 pool of Tokens A and B. Remember to adjust your contributions based on market fluctuations and changes in token supply.

Also remember to consider diversifying your investments across different tokens to maximize returns and minimize risk.

Additional Tips

  • Keep your liquidity contributions small enough to avoid market slippage.
  • Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to ensure optimal performance.
  • Consider using a liquidity pool aggregator or decentralized exchange (DEX) to streamline your liquidity provisioning process.

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