Ethereum: Why I need an RPC URL to call a view function in Solidity

I have an article on the subject.

Ethereum: Why You Need an RPC URL to Call a Solidity View Function

As a developer building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain, you may have come across situations where you need to call view functions from other contracts. In this article, we will explore why an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) URL is essential for interacting with Solidity view functions.

What is an RPC URL?

An RPC URL is a unique address that allows your application to call other contracts on the Ethereum network. It is essentially a proxy that allows you to interact with view functions from Solidity contracts.

Why Do I Need an RPC URL?

To call a Solidity view function, you need to do the following:

  • Install a Contract

    Ethereum: Why I need an RPC URL to call a view function in Solidity

    : You need to install a Solidity contract that contains the view function you want to call.

  • Install the contract on your local machine: You need to install the deployed contract on your local machine using tools like Truffle or Ganache.
  • Use RPC URL to connect to the contract: You can then use an RPC URL to call the contract from other contracts, such as your own.

How ​​do I get an RPC URL?

Here’s how to get an RPC URL for your Solidity contract:

  • Compile your contract

    : Compile your Solidity contract on your local machine.

  • Get the contract title: Extract the contract title from the compiled contract.
  • Use a tool like Truffle to get the RPC URL: Use Truffle or another tool to get the RPC URL of the contract.

Why can’t I call a view function without an RPC URL?

If you try to call a view function directly in Solidity, it will throw an error because it is not designed to work with contracts. Instead, you must use an RPC URL to call contracts.

Sample Code

Here is a simple example of how you can deploy a contract and then call a view function using an RPC URL:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MyContract {

function viewFunction() public pure returns (bool) {

return true;



contract_rpc_url.sol {

string private rpcUrl;

constructor(string memory _rpcUrl) {

rpcUrl = _rpcUrl;


function callViewFunction() public pure returns (bool) {

// Use the RPC URL to call MyContract

// contract MyContract viewFunction();

return MyContract(address(MyContract).viewFunction());



In this example, “MyContract” is installed on the local machine and its address is stored in the variable “rpcUrl”. We can then use this RPC URL to call callViewFunction', which simply delegates the call toMyContract.


In summary, having an RPC URL is essential for interacting with view functions from other contracts on the Ethereum network. You can use a tool like Truffle or another solution to get the address of the contract and then use this to create an RPC URL that allows you to call the contracts. With this newfound knowledge, you can easily create more complex decentralized applications (dApps).

I hope this article helped clarify things! Do you have a specific question or concern about using RPC URLs in Solidity?

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