Ethereum: Accesing bitcoind through terminal on mac

Accessing Bitcoin through the Terminal on Mac OS X

From my last update in April 2023, access to Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies through the Mac OSX terminal is a direct process. This guide will take you through the steps to perform these operations.

Ethereum: Accesing bitcoind through terminal on mac

Accessing Bitcoin through the Mac OS X Terminal

Before we dive into the instructions, it is essential to note that Bitcoin-Qt and Bitcoin-Wallet are command line tools to manage Bitcoin addresses and transactions. See how to access each one:

1. Installing Bitcoin-Wallet

Bitcoin-Wallet is a light wallet to Manage Bitcoin Addresses and Send/Receive Bitcoins. You can install it using homebrew, the standard Package Manager for MacOS.

  • Open terminal.

  • Install the Bitcoin wallet running the following command:


Bitcoin installing brew


2. Accessing Bitcoin through Bitcoin-Wallet

Once installed, you can access Bitcoin through your wallet:

  • Open terminal.

  • Enter the following command to list all available bitcoin addresses and their balances:


Bitcoin -listaddress


  • To Send Bitcoins, use the following command:


Bitcoin Sendrawkey [Valor]


Replace with the key to your private wallet and Value] with the amount of Bitcoin you want to serend.

3. Accessing Bitcoin through the Terminal at Mac OSX for Transactions

To Send or Receive Bitcoins through The Terminal:

  • Open terminal.

  • Type Bitcoin Sendrawrukey

Bitcoin Sendrawkey My-Private-Key BC1 …


  • Replace with the amount of Bitcoin you want to serend.

  • Type Bitcoin SendtoAddress -R Receive Bitcoins from Another User:


Bitcoin SendtoAddress BC1 … -R BC1 …


4. Accessing Bitcoin through the Terminal to Bitcoin-Qt

Bitcoin-Qt is an official customer of the Bitcoin network command line. You can access it using your terminal.

  • Open terminal.

  • Type Bitcoind - -Help to view the available commands:


Bitcoind: Help


  • To list all available bitcoin addresses and their balances, use:


Bitcoind -q -listaddress


  • To Send Bitcoins, Use:


Bitcoind -Q – – -Sendrawkey [value]


Replace with the key to your private wallet.

  • To Receive Bitcoins From Another User:


Bitcoind -q – -semer


5. Tips and troubleshooting

– Make Sure you have the latest Bitcoin-Wallets updates installed.

“Check if there are errors or warnings using the” Bitcoin -Valibefore trying to use it.

Building Bitcoin wallets from scratch

If you want to build a custom Bitcoin wallet, follow these steps:

  • Install node.js and NPM (The Package Manager) If you have not done so yet.

  • Create a new directory for your portfolio project.

  • Initialize the Project Under Execution:


Npm init -y


  • Follow the instructions to create and install Bitcoin-Qt as well as Bitcoin-Wallet.

  • Finally, Compile and Start the Bitcoin-Qt Using:


Bitcoind -Compile.

Bitcoind -Run.



With this guide, you now have a solid understanding of how to access Bitcoin through the Mac Osx Terminal. Whether to manage your own wallet or receive bitcoins from other people, the command line interface offers flexibility and control over these processes.

Always make sure you are using respectable and safe methods when dealing with private keys and confidential information.

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