Ethereum: How can I get the confirmations of a transaction using bitcoind?

Getting Confirmations of Ethereum Transacts Using Bitcoind

Ethereum: How can I get the confirmations of a transaction using bitcoind?

Assessed by Bitcoin Core (BTC) on your Linux server, you canns on the verify the them esting the bitcoin-cli-cmand-cmánd-line interface. Here's a step-by-step gid to help you achieve this:

Step 1: Identify the Transction

First, let's identify the transaction you're the team. You can have a following command to list all the transactions on your Bitcoin Core Instance:


bitcoin-cli gettransaction --count=10

Replaces with hexadecim.

Form Example, if you want to verify a specific transaction, let's saytxid123, use the folowing command:


bitcoin-cli gettransaction id txid123 --count=10

This will list all transactions with an ID matching . You're desired transaction by its index (e.g.,index=0for the first transaction).

Step 2: Verify Confirmations

Once you have identifier the transaction, usa- use them.


bitcoin-cli gettransaction id txid123 --confirm --count=10

The--confirm's options will be prompts you to enter a confirmation number for each block. The output will display the transactions with their corresponding confirmations.

For Example, if you're the verify the confirmations off them 10 blocks:


bitcoin-cli gettransaction id txid123 --confirm --count=10

This will be listed all transactions with their corresponding confirmations.

Interpreting the Output

The output off the command may depending on your system and them of transactions. Here's a general breakdown:

  • The gettransactioncommand returns a JSON object containing information about-tradition, including its ID, block number, time stamp, and confirmations.

  • Confirmation is representing the array of objects, and you have already received your own.

+index: The index off the block where the transaction was confirmed.

+ "previoushashsh: The hash of them previous block in the chain (not relevant to your question).

+time stamps: The company.

Example Output



"result": {

"txid": "0x123456789012

"vsize": 100,

"wbits": 0,

"fee": -1500000000,

"nose": 20000,

"blockhash": "0xabcdefxyz"




"index": 1,

"previoushash": zero,

"timestamp": "2023-03-16T14:30:00:00 pm",

"confirmations": 2





In this, the first transaction is a confirmation number of2Each subsequent transction in the list has an addiional confirmation number (3,4, etc.).


By esting thebitcoin-clis intachment, and you’re confirmations of Ethereum Translations on your Bitcoin Core Instance. This feature is particularly useful who will be the large Dataseses or integrity of your blockchain.

Remember to always refer to the officers [bitcoin Core documentation]( will be used to have thebitcoin-cmand-line in the options. Happy querying!

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