Ethereum: What is the most efficient way of whitelisting at this moment in solidity?

Efficient Whitelisting on Ethereum: a comparison of Merkle-tree and signature base

With the whitelisting function of Ethereum, users can identify and exclude certain intelligent contracts from the network, which means that control over your assets is maintained. In recent years, developers have examined new ways to optimize this process and at the same time minimize gas use. Two popular approaches are Merkle Tree and signature-based whitelisting.

Traditional Whitelisting: The most basic approach

The most uncomplicated way to get an intelligent contract with the whitist is to use a normal whitelist setting function. This approach includes the update of the code of the contract in order to include a list of permissible contracts that can be achieved by various methods such as the use of the “SetallowedContract” function on the interface of the contract or the change in the provision script.

Merkle Tree Whitelist: A more efficient approach?

The Merkle Tree approach, also known as “hash-based whitelisting”, is a more efficient method for whitelisting intelligent contracts. With this method, every permissible contract is presented by a unique hash, which is then saved in the Merkle tree by Ethereum Blockchain.

This is how it works:

  • If a new contract is used, its hash is generated and connected with other Hashes previously provided contracts using the “SetallowedContract” function.

  • The resulting Merkle root is used to create a trie-like data structure that represents all permissible contracts.

  • If a user tries to provide a new contract, he will be checked against the existing Merkle tree by checking whether his hash matches the expected value.

Gas ​​consumption comparison: Merkle Tree vs. Signature-based whitelisting

When comparing the gas consumption between these two approaches, we can estimate your efficiency based on the following factors:

* Contract provision : If a contract is provided, the code must be updated that causes gas costs.

* Whitelisting function calls : The function call from “SetallowedContract” is usually the most expensive operation in this context.

* Merkle Tree updates : Every time a new contract is added or updated, it is necessary to update the Merkle -root. This can be done by scratching the blockchain and re -calculate the hashes.

Gas ​​consumption comparison: Merkle Tree (estimated)

Based on estimates from different sources, you will find an approximate comparison of the gas consumption between Merkle Tree and signature-based whitelisting:

  • Provision of a new contract with Merkle Tree: 15-20 gas units

  • Update the Merkle root after using a new contract: 10-15 gas units

  • Whitelisting function calls (e.g. SetallowedContract): 5-10 gas units per call

Gas ​​consumption comparison: signature -based whitelisting (estimated)

Assuming that a whitelisting based on the signature check the signature of each permissible contract against a prepared hash, you will find an estimate of the gas consumption here:

  • Provision of a new contract with signature-based whitelisting: 25-35 gas units

  • Checking the signatures for several contracts: 5-10 gas units per review


Ethereum: What is the most efficient way of whitelisting at this moment in solidity?

In summary, Merkle Tree is currently the most efficient way to Whitelist Smart Contracts for Ethereum. Its ability to save and update hashes in the Merkle tree of the blockchain makes it more scalable and flexible than whitelisting based on the signature basis. However, it is important to note that both approaches still incur gas costs when providing new contracts.

In order to further optimize your Smart Contract deployment process, you should examine alternative methods such as the use of a separate “permissible contract” reduction or the use of a hybrid approach that combines the advantages of Merkle Tree and Signature-based Whitelisting.

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