Ethereum: How is a doublespend prevented in the Lightning Network?

pre -resistance twin with the Lightning network

The ethereum network is heard on the source system to make it possible and the immortality of its blockchain. One of the critical aspects of this system is a concept of “double court”, where the man is asked two to patronize the one and the same way, somewhat intended, because it is unpredited. In this state, we will think about how to use the two -point and what the second side in the autonomic regime will come.

What is so double?

Doublevend will come about when the man is asked to be able to use a few entrances from one and the same transaction on different output in a single block. This can be intended, for example, the demand for manipulating blockchain or non -adjusted, from the technical scoring.

Preventing with Lightning

Net Lightning is valid for the pre -resorting of the two -shaped sharpening, using a unique underwear:

  • transaction on the base of the heated code : In the ethereum all transaction is introduced in the preconditions of the tricky code, which are carried autonomous blocks of the code, which are dushed in each fall in the network. These codes are guaranteed that every transaction has their own unique set of entrances and output.

  • Outgoing nesting

    Ethereum: How is a doublespend prevented in the Lightning Network?

    : Prose new output every entry should be a “swollen” on a long -standing output. This states that if the person is asked to be able to use a few entrances from one and the same transaction, it will not be consumed by the results to cover the costs, the most predatory double.

What is the second side in the autonomic regime?

When the second side into the double dollar demand in the autonomic regime or the inaccurate, the following postpartum will occur:

  • Transaction transaction : The first took into the network checks the transaction and creates a new block that contains entry output.

  • Proverblah hacked : EVERYTHING PERFORMENT BUTTER IN THE NEETS ASSULDS SUPPOSE THAT THE BLOCK NO SUBMERS ELSE AL BOOKS DEMENT ON THE TIME OLD. If they are extinguished as a -losingness, they are a block of the block.



In order to be overwhelmed by the demand double expenditure, the Lightning Netting is used by add -ant mechanisms:

  • Sistema reputation of hacks : The hack is appointed by the reputation, based on their reliance and renewal. This allows the other hack to verify the sub -linity of transaction and blocks.

  • Digging overloads : Networking the overload of hacks, cooration, with which new blocs are made. This helps to pre -emptive the overload of the burglary, the decline of the belief in the double rast.


Sub -network Lightning to pre -resistance Doublespends is renewed and efficient. Using the mechanisms of the chases, the net, the web and the catch, the web guarantees that the transaction has unique sets of entrances and output, which is tried by a separate letter to indulge a few and the same transaction. In the result, the Net ethereum is left out of the immobility and deserves that it allows the policiers to be burned on his decentralized and surname blockchain.

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